News and current developments regarding the Schürholz corporate group. We will keep you up-to-date about new developments, trends, dates and a lot more!
Current topics
Three employees celebrate their anniversary
We are very happy that we can congratulate three of our employees on their anniversaries. This January, Hans-Joachim Cordes (work preparation, production plant Kirchhundem) celebrated his 40-year anniversary at the Schürholz company.
In January, Andreas Brandt (Shipping, production plant Plettenberg) could look back at 25 years at the Schürholz company. Our employee Dirk Engel (Shipping, production plant Plettenberg) reached a total of 35 years at the company in February.
The management team, partners, the works council and the supervisors congratulated the staff members, presented gifts and expressed their gratitude for the decades of valuable work that the employees have rendered for the company. We wish all the best to the three celebrating employees for their professional and private future!
SAP key-user training logistics
The SAP key-user training in the field of logistics ended yesterday for the employees from our plant in Poland. A Plettenberger logistics team had trained the Polish colleagues in all relevant SAP aspects for four weeks. At its conclusion, the entire team met up once more for a joint bowling night before the integration test will take place at the Polish plant in calendar week 13.
Quality Assurance donates a team event for a child sponsorship
After the Quality Assurance department of the production plant Plettenberg had won the departmental comparison of the idea management in 2015, they were awarded with a team event as prize. When deciding on an event, the department then opted to invest the prize in a special manner.
Jens Schumacher (Head of Quality Assurance): “We sat down together and considered what we could do with the money. The thought came up to rather invest the money in a sustainable, social purpose than to simply spend it all on a single day. Following that, we researched about a child sponsorship and found out that we could support one child from a less privileged country for several years.”
Everyone quickly agreed and thus the department received a letter from the organization SOS-Kinderdorf at the end of the year, including a certificate of sponsorship for a 12-year old girl from Togo. We share the hapiness with the QA for taking this decision and are happy about the support for the young Togolese girl.
Christmas greetings
We would like to thank all employees and business partners for the great and trusting collaboration this year! In addition, we wish you all a happy and peaceful holiday season as well as a great start in the new year 2017!